NFT museum of art and science SPECIAL BLEND CLUB NFTs

NFT museum of art and science SPECIAL BLEND CLUB NFTs

NFT shЯRooms

NFTs for You and your own blend! 

Early days NFT for eyes gazing. Creation of 3D_EnCoЯR3.

The design of that NFT follows and recreate one of the most popular theories in PHD phisics, where the so called String Theory gives a rational explenation of a Multiverse we are live in... The Jar represents our own share of it as a bubble, also the bounderies we can't look further puting us in a single point of view, unconcious for the bigger perspective. 

Universe in a Jar/String Theory designed NFT

Universe in a Jar/String Theory designed NFT

NFT to Web3 Portal 

And back to original NFT shapes!

NFT Portal

NFT Portal


Sail is not sell

Hissing flames in Sophia. . .not Athens!;)

Hissing flames in Sophia. . .not Athens!;)



Alternative. . .Indie.

So,Grunge again;Da*_*Picasso.

Southern Cross by the little prince

Southern Cross by the little prince

Photo by
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